Frequently Asked Questions.

What is the Copayment Cost?

At Honest Healing Therapeutic Services, we believe everyone deserves access to necessary care. We work with various insurance providers to ensure our services are accessible to as many people as possible. Copayments vary depending on your insurance plan, so please contact your insurance provider for more information about your specific plan.

Treatment without Insurance Card?

We are committed to providing care to anyone who needs it, regardless of whether or not they have their insurance card on hand. If you do not have your insurance card, please contact us to discuss your options.

New Patient Procedures?

We are excited to welcome you to Honest Healing Therapeutic Services! To get started, give us a call or fill out our online form to schedule your first appointment. During your first visit, we will gather basic information about your medical history and current concerns to ensure we provide you with the best possible care.

How your initial therapy session goes depends on your therapist, your goals, and the modality the therapist is using. Typically, therapists will use your first session to gather your history, explore your struggles, and establish your treatment goals. Your therapist will meet you wherever you are on your journey (novice or expert) and will always respect your level of comfort in sharing personal issues immediately, ensuring you feel secure and in control.

What is the Cancellation Policy?

If you cannot attend a session, please cancel at least 24 hours beforehand. Otherwise, you may be charged for the total rate of the session.

How can I get the most out of therapy?

The two most important things to do to get the most out of therapy are to be open to feedback and transparent about your goals. Therapy is a collaborative process, and you and your therapist will work together to create a plan that helps you expand your self-awareness, alleviate your mental health concerns, and find greater clarity and hope. Clear goals and being open to feedback that pushes you out of your comfort zone are crucial factors in getting the most out of therapy. It’s important to understand that facing our fears and being uncomfortable is foundational to healing and self-transformation. While therapy can be painful and scary, the courage to face our fears and push ourselves beyond our ordinary ways of operating creates resiliency, vitality, and freedom, allowing us to become who we want to be.

I’ve had Therapy Before and it Didn’t Help, Why Will This Be Different?

It all comes down to finding the right therapist. Just because you had a less-than-stellar experience before doesn’t mean your next one won’t be amazing! It’s a lot like dating. You can’t write off dating because of one wrong date. Just like any other profession, there are good therapists and bad therapists. Finding the right one will determine what will make your experience different (see above for the most important things to look for in a therapist). Our therapists are heavily vetted and highly experienced, making your chances of finding the right fit much more accessible. We will meet you wherever you are in your healing journey and customize your therapy to address your unique needs because we realize there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

How Do Ongoing Sessions and Logisitics Work?

The logistics of therapy, known as the "frame," typically involve a 45-minute session once per week. However, this may vary depending on the therapist's approach. You and your therapist may decide on a different session frequency based on factors such as the severity of your situation, cost, and availability. Since each therapist has a different approach, your initial phone consultation is an excellent opportunity to understand better their particular style, pace, and treatment plan are referred to as the "frame." While this may vary from therapist to therapist, depending on their approach, the standard frame is a 45-minute session once per week. You and your therapist might decide that you need more, or less frequent sessions based on various factors, such as the severity of what you're going through, cost, and availability. Every therapist has a different approach, so your phone consultation is an excellent time to understand better their particular style, cadence, and treatment frame.

Do I Have to Talk about my Childhood?

Not necessarily. If there’s value in exploring your childhood, your therapist will let you know. You will never be forced to talk about something that makes you feel uncomfortable. It’s all about responding to your needs and preferences and what is most helpful for you.

What is a Sliding Scale?

Honest Healing Therapeutic Services is committed to your mental health. Financial constraints should not hinder your journey to a happier, fuller life. That's why we offer affordable sliding scale therapy options tailored to your financial needs, ensuring you receive the high-quality therapy you deserve.

How many Sessions do I need?

The frequency of the sessions will be determined at your intake appointment with the therapist. 

There’s no set end date for therapy, but there’s no obligation, and you can stop whenever it feels right for you. Everyone’s journey and treatment plan plays out differently, and the timeline depends on a wide range of factors, including what issues you are addressing and how quickly you make progress. We offer both short-term and long-term therapy, and we tailor our approaches to your needs. Once you start working together, our therapist can determine which approach is right for you.

How does Therapy Work?

The primary task of therapy is to make you aware of what is beyond your awareness. It may be causing damaging patterns in your life that you don’t know how to change. Unaddressed issues rule our lives in ways we don’t understand and often can’t even see. When the unconscious is running our lives, it can wreak havoc on our lives and mental health, causing everything from work and relationship problems to anxiety, depression, and addiction issues. Healing our unconscious wounds allows us to make peace with our relationship to our past, to others, and to ourselves. In short, we face our fears so they no longer rule us. We become more empowered, awake, and alive as we bring the unconscious into conscious awareness.

What are the Benefits of Therapy?

Therapy can help you become more peaceful, grounded, and confident as you work through the underlying issues that may be contributing to your anxiety, depression, relationship issues, and other mental health struggles. Therapy allows you to explore yourself without judgment: to be uncensored and unfiltered to examine and integrate aspects of yourself that you might not feel comfortable sharing with others. Therapy can help create a greater sense of vitality as you reconnect with the parts of yourself that may have become numb and disconnected. Through treatment, you can learn more empowered ways to communicate, develop practices to cultivate self-love and confidence, and learn practical skills to help you overcome and heal your trauma and mental health problems. The benefits of therapy are also specific to your situation and goals, and we tailor our interventions to your unique needs and desired outcomes. The list could go on for days, but a few examples of the benefits of therapy are to free yourself from depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues, to gain greater clarity and direction, to discover potential blind spots that are preventing you from evolving into who you want to be, to identify and transform unhealthy patterns that keep popping up, to create more meaningful relationships (romantic and beyond), heal your trauma, and to enhance your quality of life overall by developing new ways of relating to yourself and your life.

Will therapy work for me?

Like anything else, your chances of success are directly related to your commitment, desire, and efforts. If you follow the steps above to find the right therapist, create clear goals, and stay open to feedback, you’ll have the best shot of getting the help you need. The more committed you are to showing up and making changes to your life, the more likely you will be to create the transformation and healing you seek. While there are no guarantees, there is a large body of research that shows specific therapeutic modalities are proven to help with specific mental health conditions and relationship problems. However, your personal experience will depend on how committed you are to bettering yourself and your life.

What will it feel like when I finish therapy?

How you feel when you finish therapy will depend on your specific goals. Some people want to go from suffering unbearable anxiety to being able to feel they can handle life’s difficult moments more healthily. Others want to bring their lives to the next level to create confidence, inner peace, and resiliency. Still, others want to engage in a lifelong process of self-transformation and ever-deepening consciousness. Like anything else, what you put in will determine what you get out. How you will feel at the end of treatment depends on your specific goals and drive and dedication to working on yourself to achieve them.